Working with athletes

UNE Athletic Training Professor at the Olympics

Watch as a UNE Athletic Training professor recounts his experience at the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. UNE AT students have the ability to learn firsthand about the skills needed to become successful beyond the classroom while working with professional, 大学, or high school athletes.

UNE AES 学生 Work with Hockey Players

Watch Applied Exercise 科学 students at UNE assess the fitness level of the university’s men’s and women’s hockey teams. By conducting tests on the athletes and collecting data on speed, 敏捷性, anaerobic power and endurance, the students in this video show how the Applied Exercise 科学 Department at UNE takes lessons beyond the classroom and laboratory and onto the court and weight-room floor.


You complete two internships as an Applied Exercise 科学 major, working with our internship coordinator to identify an appropriate site for the type of work you wish to perform. 


As a student in our advanced research and practice courses in Exercise and Sport Performance you will have the opportunity to further your experience through travel components of the classes. 学生 in our Environmental Physiology class have recently traveled to Iceland while students in our Altitude Physiology class have traveled to the mountains of Colorado.

你也有 opportunities to participate in a variety of different global learning experiences through UNE's 全球 Education Program.